
AMA Tasmania's Budget Submission to the State Government for 2011

The AMA has pleasure in lodging this Budget Submission covering capital and recurrent expenditure in the heath sectors.

These issues have been raised by a wide cross section of members from across the state and in many different clinical areas. Click here for a full copy. In summary:

Capital expenditure

  1. Prioritise Capital Works expenditure over purchases.
  2. Secure dementia unit at the RHH
  3. RHH - Conversion of the current administration into additional wards for 60 beds and relocating administration offices.
  4. Build an additional 400 car parking spaces on site - RHH
  5. 100% increase in anesthetic area - RHH
  6. Information Technology including a flexible live electronic discharge access

Recurrent Expenditure

  1. 150 extra beds in public hospitals across the state in order that the 85% occupancy rates recommended by the AMA can be achieved.
  2. Cancer Services for Tasmania.
  3. Exclusive on Call Arrangements for Visiting Surgeons.
  4. Provide additional training for General Physicians and General Surgeons.
  5. Allow movement of hospital based staff physicians into the private hospitals.
  6. Accrual based Capital Replacement Budgets.
  7. Launceston General Hospital